Introduction The San Diego City Clerk’s office for archives and records management asked for help with a nagging problem. Retained records boxes would sometimes get misfiled in the 33,000 square foot warehouse. When a retrieval request for records in one of these boxes came in, an all hands hunt ensued to find that one box. […]
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Employee Verification from a Remote Airport Tarmac
XPressEntry provides a simple solution to a significant problem. Problem With hundreds of employees arriving by jet daily, manually verifying each employee on the airport tarmac by calling the security office was painful. Operating one of the largest refineries in Canada, this customer’s facility is equipped with a fully functioning private airport. Every day, multiple […]
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Mustering Employees Five Miles Offsite! XPressEntry solves a problem of taking 8 hours to muster employees. The Problem Accounting for onsite employees during an emergency is a responsibility of every company. Depending on existing processes, infrastructures, locations, and environmental conditions, each company has its own unique set of challenges for mustering employees during evacuation drills […]
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