Author: David Carta, Telaeris CEO

Down the Rabbit Hole with Casi-Rusco

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We got knee deep into a couple employee identification projects over the summer.  Both systems said that they were using standard HID Prox cards, but as we went through the deploy, we found out that both customers were using HID Prox and another technology badge that our readers could not interpret correctly. As we took […]

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Logistics Service at Camp Pendleton

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Inventory audit services demonstration

From 2015 through 2016, Telaeris executed a service contract with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton to assist the Marines with labeling 30000 Base Property (BP) assets. This blog article speaks to the technical details of the actual work that was contracted and how Telaeris improved the speed of completing the work. For a more entertaining high level […]

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The Lazy Man’s Approach to 10x Productivity

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Superhero with Telaeris logo

From 2015 through 2016, Telaeris executed a service contract with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton to assist them with labeling 30000 Base Property assets. This article is a high-level discussion of how Telaeris sped up the work process. For more detailed information of the actual work, please read the accompanying blog article, Logistics Service at Camp Pendleton. There is a quote […]

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Introduction to RFID

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About a year ago, Telaeris hosted a hands-on RFID Lunch & Learn, co-sponsored by IEEE. We had a full house filled with engineers, managers, and business owners. Many questions were asked, and our attendees learned how to utilize RFID to streamline their business processes. There is no beauty in hoarding good knowledge, so we want […]

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Don’t Cross the RFID Line

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don't cross the line

A customer asked if we could use a passive UHF RFID (Ultra-High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification) system to monitor if employees crossed certain line in their warehouse. Because of the industry they were in, they could be assessed steep fines when unauthorized people entered restricted areas. After hearing about this request from my engineers, I jumped [...]

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Expect the Unexpected

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It's hard to ask a crisis to occur at a more convenient time.

Telaeris was recently approached by a company inquiring about our XPressEntry (XPE) emergency mustering system. One of the first questions they asked was: "How long does it take to get a current list of onsite employees after the emergency starts?" I had to stop for a moment and make sure I heard the question appropriately. My [...]

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