Author: David Carta, Telaeris CEO

LinkedIn for Newbies

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LinkedIn newbie

Mark Miller, our biz-dev guy here at Telaeris, recently received some training to improve how he uses LinkedIn for networking. Following my mantra of needing to teach something to really learn it, Mark gave a presentation to the Telaeris staff on how we could all use LinkedIn more effectively. Everyone at the office got so much out [...]

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Care For Your Customers!

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Take care of your customers or your competitor will

Whether you work for a large or small company, every dollar spent on marketing should count. That means utilizing what is readily available and using the right tools to be productive. In 2010, Telaeris started using a marketing automation tool called Infusionsoft. Our goal was simple at the time: turn website visitors into customers. The formula was [...]

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D0wn and D1rty with Wiegand

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A few months ago, we published a history of where Wiegand came from and a "light-on-technical-details" overview of how it works. For those of us that are more engineer-y, it left a bit to be desired. For me in particular, I recently was doing some low-level work with one of my engineers. We were monitoring [...]

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Don’t Get Off the Bus!

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Telaeris' first foray into the security field had little to do with RFID, but a lot to do with where we would head in the future. In late 2006, one of our early customers had an urgent requirement. They had more than 500 contractors arriving onsite for a maintenance event lasting 2 months. The facility lacked sufficient [...]

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Influential Reads

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I had the opportunity to attend the Corporate Alliance Relationship Summit last Thursday.  It was a great day for me personally to get out of the office and think strategically about Telaeris.  The day was focused around giving and receiving feedback with other business owners about real life business challenges.  In the course of the [...]

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Merry Christmas RFID Style

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The group here had a little fun this Christmas and wanted to share it with our friends. We hope you are able to enjoy time with your family during this holiday season. The video is especially relevant as we recently deployed our XPressEntry solution using 900 MHz UHF cards to manage access for ski resort […]

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RFIDs – One Handheld to Read Them All

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The SmartAT870 is a lightweight and rugged (IP65 rated) mobile unit manufactured by SmarTerminal that Telaeris resells. It is an outstanding device, capable of reading most RFID tags, barcodes, and smart cards available. We get lots of questions regarding what this device can do, so this article discusses most of the capabilities of the SmartAT870 for Badge Identification […]

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