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Disabling Battery Restriction of XpressEntry and Keylink

1 min read

Purpose #

These processes will exempt the Telaeris apps, XPressEntry and Keylink, from being closed by the Android Operating System during normal operation. This process should be done for both XPressEntry and Keylink.

Disabling Android Battery Restrictions #

  • Long-Press the App Icon – On your Home Screen or in the App Drawer, press and hold the KeyLink app icon. When the menu appears, select App info.




  • Tap “Battery” or “Battery Usage” – From the App info screen, look for the Battery section (see second screenshot). On some devices, this may be labeled Battery Usage or Manage Battery Usage.




  • Choose “Unrestricted” – In the Battery settings, select Unrestricted (see third screenshot). This ensures your app can run in the background without Android’s battery optimizations stopping or throttling it.




Disabling Duraspeed #

  • Open Settings – From your Home Screen or App Drawer, tap the Settings icon.
  • Scroll to the Bottom – Keep scrolling until you find DuraSpeed (it often appears near the bottom of the Settings list).




  • Tap on DuraSpeed – This opens the DuraSpeed management screen.
  • Turn Off the Toggle – Switch the DuraSpeed toggle to Off to disable it entirely. Once disabled, DuraSpeed will no longer restrict any background activities.



Optional: If you want to keep DuraSpeed on but exclude specific apps (like KeyLink or XPressEntry), leave the main toggle On, then scroll down the list of apps and turn Off only the ones you want to allow to run in the background.