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How to Update XPID 200 Android OS Over The Air

1 min read

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Periodically, Telaeris will release updates to Android Security Patches and Operating System updates that may be downloaded Over The Air (OTA) for the XPID 200.

In order to perform OTA updates, then minimum Android version installed must be Build Number 16. Full Build Number C6.TV13.0.16_NO_EEA.

Follow steps 1-3 to find your currently installed OS version.

Checking for updates #

When an update is available, it may show as a notification, Or you may check manually.


XPID 200 system update is available notification


1. Open the Android Settings.


Update XPID 200 Android OS Over The Air


2. Scroll down to About Phone.


xpid 200 system update instructions


3. Here you can see the Build Number (1) and click System updates (2).



4. Click Download And Install to beginning the update process. Uncheck Wi-Fi only if downloading over a cellular connection. Due to the size of the download, Telaeris recommends updating over Wi-Fi or Ethernet only. The download and install will take approximately 30-40 min depending on network speed.

**NOTE** You may return to XPressEntry as the download can continue in the background while the device is in use. It will also idle at 100% download as the system unpacks the download.


xpid 200 android system updates screen - download and install

system update for xpid 200 device downloading


5. Click Install. The device will then finish updating and power cycle.


xpid 200 android system update screen. install on bottom of screen

android system update processing screen on xpid device


Congratulations! You have successfully updated you XPID 200!


android system update successful on xpid 200 device