Category: Business

Real People – Real Support

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The world seems to be moving more and more towards a place where companies decide that they want to effectively eliminate human interaction.  When was the last time you called a company phone number, and a real person answered the line?   My current default reaction to hearing a robotic or AI generated voice is […]

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Fixed vs. Handheld Muster Readers

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My sales team approached me with a great question from a potential client today: Why should I choose your handheld device over a fixed reader in our parking lot for mustering? My answer was, “That is too easy!  Let me list out the top reasons.” After I had quickly come up with a dozen reasons, […]

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Education, Not Sales!

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scrabble related to customers and sales

I’ve learned many valuable lessons from my experiences, whether I was earning my BS at Caltech, my Masters and PhD at UCSD, working in a corporate environment for ten years at Cubic Corporation, or founding my own company, Telaeris. But as I look back, I find that I learned some of my most valuable lessons […]

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LinkedIn for Newbies

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LinkedIn newbie

Mark Miller, our biz-dev guy here at Telaeris, recently received some training to improve how he uses LinkedIn for networking. Following my mantra of needing to teach something to really learn it, Mark gave a presentation to the Telaeris staff on how we could all use LinkedIn more effectively. Everyone at the office got so much out [...]

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Care For Your Customers!

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Take care of your customers or your competitor will

Whether you work for a large or small company, every dollar spent on marketing should count. That means utilizing what is readily available and using the right tools to be productive. In 2010, Telaeris started using a marketing automation tool called Infusionsoft. Our goal was simple at the time: turn website visitors into customers. The formula was [...]

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Influential Reads

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I had the opportunity to attend the Corporate Alliance Relationship Summit last Thursday. It was a great day for me personally to get out of the office and think strategically about Telaeris. The day was focused on giving and receiving feedback with other business owners about real life business challenges. In the course of the [...]

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