Category: Business

Steal These Documents!

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Building Blocks

In the spirit of trying to help out new entrepreneurs, we decided to share the many business documents that we use frequently when working with both clients and customers. Some of these documents (like the Employee Handbook) were built for us by people who are professionals in the industry. Others, like the NDA and Consultant […]

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Today we are relaunching Telaeris’ blog. This reboot will be major change with how we at Telaeris publicly present ourselves.  It will provide an open view into much of what we do at Telaeris.  The big question is, how do you make such a change? Easy!  Just hit the button and go! It would be great if […]

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Sell to the Decision Maker

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Recently, I have been changing the focus of my job to market and sell Telaeris products.  After reading various articles on the subject, I have come to the belief that for any enterprise level software or development effort, you have to have a strong advocate for your process/service.  Often, these type of people have “C”‘s […]

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IRA Contributions and Tax Savings

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As tax day rolls around, I was talking with one of our employees about taxes. While we do not (yet) offer a company sponsored 401K plan, it should not deter our employees from contributing to their own personally managed IRA. We did the math and one employee was able to save approximately $1500 in taxes, […]

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Start Up Costs and Operating Budgets

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A friend of mine asked me the other day what our basic startup costs and operating budget was, not including employee salaries. Fortunately for him we had a pretty clear breakdown of these costs created while investigating a joint venture with another company. This seems like exactly the information a new tech startup would need […]

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