Oil & Gas Confined Space Management Case Study with XPressEntry + LenelS2 OnGuard

confined space entrance with a handheld reader


This large oil and gas company has operations all around the world and is based in the United Kingdom. To enhance their OnGuard access control system from LenelS2, the large oil and gas company has implemented XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers at a project site to improve operations and confined space management.


At an oil and gas project site in the United States, the large oil and gas company had difficulty tracking hundreds of contractors doing maintenance inside a ten-story tall industrial heat exchanger with multiple entrances. For worker safety, OSHA regulations require employers conducting work in confined spaces to follow specific standards including verifying that workers are certified to perform the work, tracking entry, time in the confined space, and safely exiting the confined space. The large oil and gas company had tracked everything with paper rosters which was inefficient, time consuming, and came with inherent risks.


The large oil and gas company needed a scalable, mobile, handheld security badge reader for their confined space management and safety monitors that also worked in offline mode as a result of intermittent cellular and WiFi connectivity issues and integrated with their OnGuard access control system from LenelS2. All recorded activities including enrolling new certified contractors, managing access permissions, entry / exit tracking, and denying access when necessary needed to remain in sync across both the OnGuard access control system and handheld security badge reader system.

The large oil and gas company implemented 25 XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers from Telaeris at the oil and gas project site in the United States to fulfill these challenges and much more.

Handheld Badge Verification – The large oil and gas company guards and safety monitors now have superior physical security with handheld authentication to verify identity, access permissions, and can confidently control access to any confined workspace.

Entry / Exit Tracking – The large oil and gas company now maintains an accurate timestamp when contractors enter and exit the confined workspace and occupancy information at all times. Any offline recorded activities are stored locally and synced with OnGuard once the reader is reconnected.

Emergency Evacuation Mustering – The oil and gas company can now ensure everyone is safely accounted for during a true emergency to reduce financial risks / liability and improve evacuations, personnel / visitor safety and OSHA / regulatory compliance.

Reporting for Compliance – The XPressEntry system securely stores all entry / exit activities and attendance details in the XPressEntry server, and provides full reporting capabilities for compliance, removing the need for paper records.

Time and Attendance – Now that the large oil and gas company can maintain facility occupancy information with Entry / Exit Tracking, it can also manage and easily track time and attendance greatly simplifying paying contractors appropriately for time on the jobsite.


XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers enhance OnGuard access control systems and deliver new convenience, flexibility, intelligence, and functionality to safety and security professionals never before possible.

  • Integrates with most access control systems
  • Better physical security and personnel tracking
  • Simplified operations by removing manual work
  • Compliance with regulatory safety standards
  • Scalable and offline operation for any worksite
  • Reduces real risks and financial loss mitigation


After the implementation of XPressEntry, the large oil and gas company noticed a huge improvement in productivity and confined space management operations. What before took 30+ minutes at each shift change to reconcile paper rosters now only takes less than 2 minutes plus the conveniently stored records for compliance. As the large oil and gas company’s operation continues to grow, scaling with additional XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers is easy and will help streamline operations at oil and gas project sites. The large oil and gas company is in a much better position to fulfill its public commitments and regulatory requirements to keep the worksite safe and secure for both personnel and visitors 24/7.

XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers proudly lead the industry with the most access control integrations and proudly lead the industry with the broadest support for badge technologies.

Contact us to learn how XPressEntry can improve your oil and gas operations.


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