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Onguard Access Denied

< 1 min read

When XPressEntry is running on a different machine than where Onguard is running, a common fix for getting an Access Denied error during an XPressEntry sync is due to a WMI permission problem. The service account being used to login to the XPressEntry service needs to have full WMI security access on the Onguard machine.

  1. On the Onguard machine, click windows and search “Computer Management.”
  2. Under the service and Applications on the left pane, right click WMI Control and go to properties
  3. Go to the security tab, expand the root folder and highlight the onguard folder then click on security on the bottom right.
  4. Add the service account to the permissions list that is being used to login to XPressEntry service and give full permissions (including remote enabled)
  5. Click Apply.