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Run XPressEntry MSI Installer With Logging

1 min read

To run the XPressEntry MSI installer with extra logging, follow the steps below:


Step 1: Prequisities

Download the XPressEntry MSI installer from our Downloads page. This works with either the 32bit (x86) or 64 bit installer. Additionally, these instructions apply similarly to any MSI files we provide, but this document specfically covers the XPressEntry Setup MSI.


Step 2: Locate the Installer on your PC

Open up a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the MSI file. Another way of doing this is open File Explorer, navigate to the containing folder, and type cmd in the Navigation bar. Or optionally run the installer using its full path. Keep in mind, you also need to provide a path for the log file.


Step 3: Run the Installer from the Command Line with Logging Enabled

The terms in curly braces are placeholders. For example, {Installer.msi} will actually be something like XPressEntrySetup.3.6.6896.msi.

Option A: From Installer Directory

msiexec /i {Installer.msi} /l*v {logfilename.txt}


msiexec /i XPressEntrySetup.3.6.6912.msi /l*v log.txt

Option B: From Other Directory

msiexec /i {FULL_PATH}/{Installer.msi} /l*v {FULL_PATH}/{logfilename.txt}


msiexec /i C:\Users\{username}\Downloads\XPressEntrySetup.3.6.6912.msi /l*v C:\Users\{username}\Downloads\log.txt


Step 4: Inspect the Logs

Open {FULL_PATH}/{logfilename.txtin Notepad or another text editor.


Please feel free to share this text file by including it in a Helpdesk ticket as an attachment so we can review the logs in case of an error upon install.