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Install HID MOB key on XPID200 with HID Omnikey

< 1 min read

This describes how to install an HID MOB key to enable reading of HID mobile credentials on XPID devices using an embedded HID Omnikey module.


To start, you will need:

  1. The HID MOB Key Config card
  2. An XPID device with an embedded HID Omnikey reader

Then follow this procedure:

  1. Exit the XPressEntry Android application
  2. Open up the KeyLink application
  3. Power Cycle the Reader
    • Click the “Close” button to close and power off the reader
    • Leave the reader powered off for 10 seconds
    • Ensure that the HID Omnikey Reader is selected for RFID
    • Click the “Open” button to power on the reader – status should change to “Connected”
  4. Present the MOB Key card for 30 seconds to the Telaeris diamond on the back of the reader.
    • This will load the key into the reader
  5. Power Cycle the Reader again (same procedure as above)
  6. Present a phone with a correctly configured HID Mobile Credential to the Telaeris diamond logo on the back of the reader. You should receive the mobile credential data.

If the process doesn’t work, try one more time to verify that the keys were correctly loaded.