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HTTP could not register URL error

< 1 min read

This is to fix an error similar to the following:

This typically happens when you are running the service as a limited non administrator account.

You have two possible solutions.

1) Add the service to the local administrators group.

2) Give the user the appropriate permissions.

We will focus on (2) in this article.


We will need an administrator permissions.

1) Run a command like to the following replacing TELAERIS\user with your DOMAIN\USER information:

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:30001/ user=TELAERIS\user

If you are using the standard http server, run the following too. Note the https -> http and the port are different:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:30000/ user=TELAERIS\user

2) Restart the XPressEntryService