Category: Barcodes / RFID

D0wn and D1rty with Wiegand

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A few months ago, we published a history of where Wiegand came from and a "light-on-technical-details" overview of how it works. For those of us that are more engineer-y, it left a bit to be desired. For me in particular, I recently was doing some low-level work with one of my engineers. We were monitoring [...]

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Wiegand For Dummies

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Recently, our CEO, David Carta, called me into his office and asked me, “Mark, what is Wiegand?” He was instructing a new Telaeris employee about XPressFreedom, our Wiegand to Ethernet converter which we use to enable mobile access control with existing system. He thought that I, as our sales lead, should be able to give an appropriate [...]

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Barcode Crossing

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Barcoding on Android Most of the time when employees at Telaeris publish here, it is for real-life examples related to our products. This allows us to discuss a wide area of topics, including barcodes and RFID usage, security or safety system implementation, or tips on running a business. But at the heart of what we […]

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Merry Christmas RFID Style

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The group here had a little fun this Christmas and wanted to share it with our friends. We hope you are able to enjoy time with your family during this holiday season. The video is especially relevant as we recently deployed our XPressEntry solution using 900 MHz UHF cards to manage access for ski resort […]

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RFIDs – One Handheld to Read Them All

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The SmartAT870 is a lightweight and rugged (IP65 rated) mobile unit manufactured by SmarTerminal that Telaeris resells. It is an outstanding device, capable of reading most RFID tags, barcodes, and smart cards available. We get lots of questions regarding what this device can do, so this article discusses most of the capabilities of the SmartAT870 for Badge Identification […]

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Barcode Types and Uses

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When customers order tags, most of the time they don’t care what type of barcode they use – it just has to work. In most cases, your barcode scanner will likely support any 1D barcode. So why should you choose one barcode symbology over another? We choose to use Code 39 (sometimes called Code 3 […]

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Reading Metal-Embedded RFID

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A client recently brought an interesting challenge to the Telaeris team. They wanted to use our software to track check-outs and locations for items that were already RFID-tagged for inspection purposes. These tags were built into heavy duty rigging equipment by the Crosby Group and inspections were tracked using their patented system. There was one […]

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