Downloads: XPressEntry Desktop
XPressEntry Desktop Release: 3.6.6801
- Release 3.6.6801
Migration 324
- Added support for DMP Virtual Keypad Integration
- Added Maps Feature for handheld, occupancy, and muster tracking with new UI
- Added Handheld GPS Location Updates
- Added Panic Alerts Feature engaged from Handheld
- Added Max Scan History Count Setting for History view Android
- Added door/reader/zone access count validation to Reader Profiles
- Added Search Filter options Handheld Functionality to Reader Profiles to improve search speed
- Added Automatic Activity Deletion Timer to Reader Profiles
- Added support for IDScan.NET MRZ scanning
- Added Digitronica SCS MultiAccess Integration
- Added Custom Present Badge Text Option
- Added setting and migration to hide Freedom and RFID settings on Readers page
- Updated Installer to allow Data Manager Selection and speed up loading of Integration Data Managers
- Updated formatting for license info in About box
- Updated Data Manager Data Push flow to provide better error handling
- Fixed 64 bit SQLite Support to XPressEntryClient for Badge Printing
- Added a Default Flag to Roles
- Added Activity Push action now has a name in the logs
- Updated Data Manager Prefix - allowed only when adding more then one Data Manager
- Added Delete User And User Groups on Delete User event
- Added badge define field synchronization
- Added Panic Alerts events to OnGuard
- Added Delete Records optional setting for Onguard
- Fixed Onguard Multithreading sync issues and concurrent sync issues causing records to be incorrectly marked as deleted
- Updated OpenAccess to catch exceptions for when OpenAccess Service isn't responding properly
- Added Exclude Badge Types Filter Option
- Added support for Updating Activities and Occupancy using Journal
- Added additional Error Message Logging on CCUREREST Connect
- Added Software Event Logging
- Added Minimum Journal Hours filter
- Added Support for HTTPS and V1 or V2 Event Notifications
- Removed Check Journal Events Flag in Update activities
- Fixed bug with session-id header assignment
- Fixed data mapping issue when using a Data Manager Prefix
- Updated photo sync to use the first photo if no primary photo is set
- Fixed SignalR in Avigilon DLL References
- Updated API calls to support the latest version
- Added Bosch ACE Version 5 Support
- Added error log and API Delay for Activity post
- Added UDF Mapping Updates
- Updated Activity push API calls
- Fixed Event Post API error responses parsed correctly
- Fixed issue with Badge Data Mapping
- Added UDF Custom Mappings
- Added support for Gallagher Badge Expiration and Activation
- Updated send activity priority to 1 from 2 to not generate alarms in Gallagher
- Fixed an issue where Gallagher not sending proper result
- Fixed issue with activity timestamps
- Added Error Checking in Genetec Activity Pull
- Updated Software Event to support Cardholder Groups changes
- Updated Genetec Badges with Custom Credential Formats
- Fixed Add Activity Connection Error Fix
- Fixed issue where bad scan data prevents future scans to send to Genetec
- Fixed Minimum Activity Hours
- Fixed an issue with Muster Activity Push to Genetec
- Fixed issue where custom mapped fields were not persist
- Added Advanced Debug and Custom Sync
- Added logging for the Raise Update calls for Users, Badges, Groups Users
- Added Badge sync without Facility Codes
- Added pictures to single table update
- Fixed issue that was returning false responses during add Activity
- Updated SignalR software events
- Fixed door zones mapping issue
- Added Support For S2 API V2
- Added SCS MultiAccess Data Manager
- Added UDF Mapping to RS2 REST
- Added logging for activity push
- Fixed REST data manager settings form resolution fixed
- Fixed Rest Push Activities
- Fixed issue pushing muster activities with facility code
- Fixed Activity Pull Not Properly Processing Messages
- Fixed update doors call even if no readers exist in zone list
- Added Support for Velocity 3.8.6
- Added integration
- Added area filter for fetching users
- Updated Installer to Support individual Data Manager installation and detection.
- Updated HealthCheck references to Questionnaire
- Updated DB passwords in Database Tool.
- Updated default check box to use HTTPS and WebSocket.
- Fixed Auto Exit Badge Processing not update User Occupancy
- Fixed an issue where Database Tool Connecting on Empty Connection String
- Fixed crash on adding New Reader Profile from Optional Mode Screens
- Fixed SABA Software Event User Updates
- Fixed issue where Reader Profile json_settings was not sent to handhelds
- Fixed issue where very large badge numbers can cause service crash
- Fixed issue where deleted badges restore was not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where empty Wiegand Format Data on new database creation can occur
- Fixed an issue where non-admin level users cannot edit user data
- Fixed MSMQ Install on Windows 11
- Fixed issue counting deleted Users in Occupancy View
- Fixed issue for errant log saying "Entry not Saved"
What's Changed
New Features
Server/Client Updates
AEOS Nedap Integration Updates
Onguard Integration Updates
CCURE 9000 Integration Updates
Apollo Integration Updates
Avigilon Integration Updates
Brivo Integration Updates
Bosch ACE Integration Updates
Galaxy Integration Updates
Gallahger Integration Updates
Genetec Integration Updates
Prowatch Integration Updates
Kantech Integration Updates
Max-Pro Integration Updates
Maxxess Integration Updates
Prowatch REST Integration Updates
S2 Integration Updates
SCS MultiAccess Updates
RS2 Integration Updates
Win-Pak Integration Updates
Velocity Integration Updates
ZKTeco Integration Updates
Other Changes / Bugfixes
XPressEntry Desktop Release: 3.6.6647
- Added support for DMP Entre Integration
- Added support for ZKTeco Integration
- Added MRZ Scan options for visitor enrollment with IDScan.NET
- Added new Alerts feature to support panic alarm support from handheld device
- Updated Occupancy performance which improves performance for larger systems
- Fixed Desktop Login Issue where login would continuously fail
- Updated IDScan.NET Libraries to support latest version
- Updated Telaeris libraries to address Freedom Standalone issues
- Fixed issue causing error in muster view when moving missing person from the missing list to the scanned list
- Fixed minor Add/Edit Info bugs
- Updated Xpressentrydatabasetool db creation messages
- Added option to disabled GPS Door setting option when location tracking is off
- Updated client synchronization process
- Fixed RFID Reader view and clear memory function not working as expected
- Added option to process badges only with alpha-numeric values
- Fixed Occupancy bug for Clean Database
- Fixed Display User Images on Handheld being unchecked
- Fixed muster site check boxes not working as expected
- Fixed Reader Setup Invalid Credential Issues
- Added Support Badge import filter on Badge Type
- Added sending Alarms Activity to alarm monitor
- Fixed issue related to Socket Activity Sending
- Added Event parsing. Added Support to Profile Update Events
- Added checkbox to enable/disable processing Profile Update Events
- Added NEDAP Profile Update event parsing with Arrival DateTime Range Filter
- Updated Visitor Search API with ModificationDateRange
- Added support to parse unknown user name in profile update event
- Added Avigilon Missing DLL to Installer
- Fixed Muster Activities Activity Push to Avigilon ACM
- Fixed API delays causing threshold exceeded error
- Added References fix for Honeywell MaxPro
- Added logs in occupancy updates
- Fixed Duplicate UDF name issue
- Fixed null mapping for RS2 company into user
- Fixed RS2 Companies sync issue
- Inactive Cardholders can be excluded by an option
- Fixed issues causing full sync to fail with unexpected bad data
- Added toggle options to send scan event and location update on badge scan
- Updated Bluevision Integration to support latest version
- Added support for badge expiration Date updates with user Insurance Date Fields
What's Changed
New Features
Server/Client Updates
Onguard Integration Updates
AEOS Integration Updates
Avigilon Integration Updates
Galaxy Integration Updates
Max-Pro Integration Updates
Sipass Integration Updates
Velocity Integration Updates
RS2 Integration Updates
Gallagher Integration Updates
Bluevision Integration Updates
Galaxy Integration Updates
XPressEntry Desktop Release: 3.5.6593
- Honeywell Max Pro Integration supported
- Added Option to set Doors Based on Handheld GPS Location
- Updated RFID Reader View for client and server applications
- XPressEntry Certificate script addresses bad XPressEntryService certificate issue
- CCURE 9000 REST API Update to support API changes in 3.0 CU2
- Support and ignore Genetec empty occupancy events affecting occupancy tracking
- Added activity push
- HTTP REST - Support HTTP Timeout setting
- Fixed door and area mappings in Prowatch REST
- Pull User Contact Person
- Map User start and end date
- Fixed multiple EntranceGroups and EntranceGroups through Templates
- Fixed missing exit readers in groups
- Fixed pushing Muster Activities to AEOS and pulling activities
- Utilize Event Filter for Socket listener
- Kantech Session Management updated to address multi session error
- Fix Access Level group Pull From S2 to support multi partition Access
- Added email and phone number to user mapping
- Fixed duplicate activity mapping when unknown badge scan
- Fixed Velocity UDFs integration issue
- Support multi subaccounts
- Groups Users Updates
- XPressReports current occupancy print button fix
- Muster reporting updates